Francesca R. Salvi
Francesco Biondo Dalla Casapiccola
architects, interior designers, set designers
+39 348 7953790
+39 348 8231930
Set design of "Kudos" for RAITRE, Cinecittà - Roma 2017
Set design of “The Apprentice” for Sky TV, with Flavio Briatore - SKY UNO - MILAN. 2012
Set design of “Circo Massimo” with Belen Rodriguez, Ainett Stephens - RAITRE. 2007, 2008 and 2009
Set design for Rosso Alice’s talk shows with Maurizio Costanzo - ROME. 2006
Set design of Ancient Rome, the Middle Ages and the Renaissance in Venice for “Ritorno al Presente”, with Carlo Conti, Chiara Tortorella - RAIUNO. 2005
“Top of the Pops Tour” 2003 - RAIDUE. 2003
“Top of the Pops” - ITALIA1. 2003
TG la7 - La7 News - Rome. 2001- 2002
“Quiz Show” with Amadeus - RAIUNO. 2001 - 2002
Expert advice for the set of “Giorno dopo Giorno” - RAITRE. 2001 - 2002
“Quiz Show” with Amadeus - RAIUNO. 2000 - 2001
“Top of the Pops” - RAIDUE. 2000 - 2001 - 2002
“Giorno dopo Giorno” - RAITRE. 2000
Set and stage design for “A me gli occhi 2000” with Gigi Proietti at the Stadio Olimpico - Rome - CANALE 5. June 24th 2000.
“Sette per Uno 2000” with G. Sabani, E. Weber - Mirabilandia - RAIUNO. 2000
“Giorno dopo Giorno Speciale” with Pippo Baudo - RAITRE. 1999
Set and stage design for Jovanotti’s concert in “Millennium - La notte del 2000” - Palermo - RAIUNO. December 31st 1999.
“Sette per Uno” with G. Sabani, S. De Grenet, R. Celentano - Mirabilandia RAIUNO. 1999
Construction management of the stage for May the 1st concert - P.zza S. Giovanni - Rome - RAIUNO/RAIDUE/RAITRE. 1998
Set and stage design for Claudio Baglioni’s concert - Stadio Olimpico of Rome and Stadio S. Siro of Milan - RAIDUE. 1998
“Zap Zap” - Studi Titanus - Rome - TMC. 1996
“Se io fossi Sherlock Holmes” with Jocelyn - Roma - TMC. 1996
“Il Grande Gioco del Mercante in Fiera” with Jocelyn, S. Salerno, S. Tagli, A. Valle, A. Melillo - Studi Titanus - Rome - TMC. 1996
“Concerto della Concordia, Music for the native Americans” di R. Robertson - Agrigento - RAIUNO. 1995
“Premio Natura Sardegna” with F. Fazzuoli, L. Colò - Capocaccia (Alghero) - TMC. 1994
Set design of the TV-movie “Moscacieca” with Richard Roundtree, P. Villoresi, K. Sandvick, C. Cléry, R. Lovelock - Costarica and Rome - RAIUNO. 1993
“La storia del rock: Rock Notes” with D. Salvatori - Roma - TMC. 1993
“Turno di Notte” with U. Smaila - Roma - TMC. 1993
“Corpo a Corpo” with A. Parietti - Roma - TMC. 1993
“Tesori di Famiglia” with I. Papas, S. Disegni, A. Sommajuolo - Roma - TMC. 1993
“Oscar Junior. Il cinema visto dai bambini” - Rome - TMC. 1992 e 1993
“Sanremo Jazz”, “Sanremo Blues” and "Sanremo l’altra Musica” - Auditorium of Sanremo - RAIUNO. 1992
Construction management of the stage for the “XLII Festival della Canzone Italiana” - Teatro Ariston - Sanremo - RAIUNO. 1992
“Sanremo Famosi” with F. Salvi, F. Fortunato, D. Caprioglio - Teatro Comunale di Sanremo - RAIUNO. 1992
“Sanremo Jazz” - Teatro Comunale di Sanremo - RAIUNO. 1992
Project and construction management of the iron and polycarbonate structure for the exhibition on the variety in television “Tele Ricordi ...” with G. Magalli - Riva del Garda - RAIUNO. 1991 e 1992
“Mediasat - Salone delle attività televisive” - Riva del Garda - RAIUNO. 1991 and 1992
Construction management of the stage for the roman date of Genesis “Turn it on again” Tour - Circo Massimo - Rome, 2007
Set and stage design for Gianna Nannini’s Tour in Rome, Florence, Verona, Pescara, Naples and Agrigento. 2007
Set and stage design for “Live 8 in Rome”, Circo Massimo - ROME. 2005
Jovanotti “Capo Horn Tour”. 1999
Litfiba “Infinito Tour”. 1999
Nek “In Due” European Tour. 1999
Claudio Baglioni’s “Da me a Te” in Rome, Milan, Palermo and Naples. 1998
Pino Daniele Tour. 1997
Claudio Baglioni’s Tour Rosso. 1996
Biagio Antonacci in P.zza S. Croce. 1995
Paola Turci in Campo de’ Fiori. 1995
Set and stage design of the “International Folk Festival” - Palafolk - Agrigento. 1995
Set and stage design for “Le radici da Ritrovare - Concerto pro Ruanda” - Palaeur - Rome. 1994
Set design for "Il nostro ultimo" by Ludovico di Martino - 2014
Set design for the web series "Roles" by Ludovico di Martino - 2013
Set design for "P", short film by Ludovico di Martino - 2013 and 2014
Set design of “Zenzanò”, animated 3D film - 2008 - 2009
Set design of “Il pane nudo” by Mohamed Choukri, ROMA and MOROCCO - 2004
Ideation, realization and coordination of the set for the animated 3D feature film “LEO” by Paolo Modugno - 2004
Set design of the animated 3D feature film “L’apetta Giulia e la signora Vita” by Paolo Modugno - 2003
Set design of “L’ospite segreto” by Andrea Balsola and Rocco Aldemaro Barbaro - 2003
Set design of “Territori d’Ombra” with Pino Quartullo, Toni Bertorelli, Rosa Ferraiolo, Ludovica Modugno, Leo Gullotta - Tolmezzo. 2000 - 2001
Set design of “Moscacieca” with R. Roundtree, P. Villoresi, K. Sandvick, C. Cléry, R. Lovelock - Costarica and Roma - 1994
Assistance to set designer Joszef Romvari for "Charlemagne, le prince à cheval" by Clive Donner - 1993
Assistance to set designer Gianni Quaranta for “Benvenuto Cellini. Una vita scellerata” by Giacomo Battiato with Max von Sydow and Ben Kingsley - 1990
Set design for “Pia come la canto io” with Gianna Nannini - Roma and Firenze. 2008
Set design for “Il bello addormantato nel Bosco” by Maurizio Costanzo, with Gianni Fantoni - Roma. 2006
Set design for “Not Without my Daughter” - Off Off Brodway. 1991
Set design for “American Buffalo” by David Mamet - Off Off Brodway. 1990
Set design for “Good by Charlie” by George Axelrod - New York - Off Brodway. 1990
Set design for “Gemini” by A. Innaurato - Off Off Brodway. 1987
Conventions & Other Stagings
Project of the structures and sets for the 20° World Petroleum Congress in Doha, QATAR. 2010 - 2011
Project and construction supervision of the set for Unicredit - Spazio Etoile - Roma. 2009
Architectural design and supervision for the conventions of IntesaSanpaolo in Milano (Museo della Scienza e della Tecnologia and Teatro degli Arcimboldi), in Torino (Lingotto) and in Roma. 2008
Architectural design and supervision of the event for Electronic Partner - Venezia. 2008
Architectural design and supervision of the event for Piaggio - Datch Forum - Milano. 2008
Architectural design and supervision of the event for Intesa SanPaolo - Datch Forum - Milano. 2007
Architectural design and supervision of the event for Unicredit Banca d’Impresa and Aldo, Giovanni and Giacomo's show - MADEIRA. 2007
Architectural design and supervision of the event for the tour of Unicredit Private Banking and U. Smaila shows. 2007
Architectural design and supervision of the event for Unicredit and B. Antonacci show - BARCELONA. 2007
Architectural design and supervision of the event for Unicredit and Bennato and Britti show - SIVIGLIA. 2007
Architectural design and supervision of the event for Unicredit - VALENCIA. 2007
Architectural design and supervision of the event for Unicredit and Fiorello show - BERLIN. 2007
Architectural design and supervision of the event for Unicredit Private Banking and Giorgia show - GENEVA. 2006
Architectural design and supervision of the event for Seat Pagine Gialle in Marrakech and Errachidia - MOROCCO. 2006
Architectural design and supervision of the event for Seat Pagine Gialle in TORINO. 2006
Architectural design and supervision of the event for Intesa Sanpaolo in 6 italian major cities - 2006
Progetto e direzione dei lavori dell’allestimento e del palco per Live 8 - Roma, Circo Massimo - ROMA. 2005
Architectural design and supervision of the event for SAS I-Days - Fiera di MILANO. 2005
Architectural design and supervision of the event for Banca di Roma and Fiorello show - RODI. 2005
Architectural design and supervision of the event for Veuve Clicquot - Palazzo Clerici MILANO. 2005
Architectural design and supervision of the event for Seat Pagine Gialle - Mazda Palace TORINO. 2005
Architectural design and supervision of the event for Seat Pagine Gialle - QUEBEC CANADA. 2005
Architectural design and supervision of the set of “Comizi di non Amore”, with Ela Weber, Catherine Deneuve, Marianne Faithfull, Antonella Lualdi, for the Prada Foundation - Roma and Milano. March 2004
Architectural design and supervision of the event for Unicredit in LESMO (Milano). 2004
Architectural design and supervision of the event for Unicredit Banca d’Impresa and Fiorello Show - ATHENS. 2004
Architectural design and supervision of the event for SAS - IDays - Fiera di MILANO. 2004
Architectural design and supervision of the event for SEAT Pagine Gialle - Fiera di MILANO. 2004
Architectural design and supervision of the event for Dom Perignon - Triennale di MILANO. 2004
Architectural design and supervision of the convention of Unicredit Banca per la Casa - MILANO. February 2004
Architectural design and supervision of the convention of British American Tobacco - ROMA. January 2004
Architectural design and supervision of the convention of Unicredit Banca - PARMA. December 2003
Architectural design and supervision of the convention of SAS - Idays - MILANO. October 2003
Architectural design and supervision of the convention of Unicredit Private Banking - MARRAKECH. October 2003
Architectural design and supervision of the convention of Unicredit Banca d’Impresa - LANZAROTE. October 2003
Architectural design and supervision of the convention of Unicredit Banca and Fiorello show - RODI. May 2003
Architectural design and supervision of the convention of SAS - Idays - MILANO. October 2002
Architectural design and supervision of the convention of Bancoposta e Fiorello show - Ambra Jovinelli - ROMA. June 2002
Architectural design and supervision of the stands for SAS - BOLOGNA. February 2002
Architectural design and supervision of the convention of SAS - IDays - MILANO. November 2001
Architectural design and supervision for the meeting of Allstate and Barry Manilow show - Hotel Cavalieri Hilton - ROMA. June 1999
Architectural design and supervision of the art exhibition in “Cinecittà Village” - Roma. June - September 1999
Architectural design of “Magic Park”, playground in Viareggio. 1998/99
Architectural design and supervision for the exhibition "1968" at the Palazzo delle Esposizioni - Roma. 1998
Architectural design and supervision of the convention of Azione Cattolica - Stadio Olimpico - Roma. 1997
Architectural design and supervision of the summer village for “Roma incontra il Mondo” - Villa Ada - Roma. 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998
Architectural design for the Assise Nazionale della Confindustria - VERONA. 1994
Architectural design and supervision of “Sanremo Story”, exhibition related to the XLIII Festival della Canzone Italiana - Sanremo. 1993
Architectural design and supervision of the summer village “1492: Effetto Colombo” - Galoppatoio di Villa Borghese - Roma. 1992
Architectural design of “MEMUS - Mercato della musica e dello spettacolo”, multifunctional space related to the XLII Festival di Sanremo - Sanremo. 1992
Architectural design and supervision of the summer village “I paesi di Colombo: Caraibi e Caribe” - Galoppatoio di Villa Borghese - Roma. 1991
Architecture & Interior Design
Renovation of a three level house in Porto Recanati. Italy 2018 - 2019
Renovation of the Central Bar & Lounge in Piazza Leopardi, Recanati. Italy - 2017
Renovation project for the art Gallery "Artsawa" at the financial district DIFC in Dubai. 2015
Renovation project for the AlQoz office of Artsawa in Dubai. 2014
Renovation project for a country house in Recanati. Italy - 2012 - 2013
Renovation project and construction management of the golf club house - Circolo del Golf di Zoate - Milano. 2009
Working plan of the television studios in Termini Imerese “MED STUDIOS”, a 12.000 sq. meters architectural complex with tv sets and offices. Artistic Direction by Massimiliano Fuksas architect - Palermo 2006 - 2007 - 2008
Renovation project of a private apartment in via di Campo Marzio in Roma. 2005
Project and construction management of the renovation of Einstein Multimedia offices in via dei Condotti - Roma. 2003
Project and construction management of the renovation of Einstein Multimedia offices in Via del Babuino - Roma. 2001
Project and construction management of the renovation of “Napoletano’s” - Roma. 1998/99
Project and construction management of the renovation of Publispei offices - Via Col di Lana - Roma. 1992
Project of 12 villas at Killiechassie Estate - Aberfeldy - Scotland. 1991
Collaboration for the project of the new Atlanta Hilton hotel, at “William B.Tabler Architects” studio in New York. 1989